The Enneagram offers a profound body of wisdom for psychological and spiritual healing. Based on the triadic nature of reality, it is intended to help us awaken to our truer nature. Understanding the Enneagram to be far more than a ‘typing’ system, we can discover often unconscious personality patterns that take us in the opposite direction of contemplative living. Rather than seeing the Enneagram personality ‘type’ as who we are, we learn who we are not.
In this day retreat, after a brief overview of Enneagram fundamentals, we will primarily focus on the Three Centers of Intelligence (belly, heart and head centers) inherent in the Enneagram symbol and important in personal inquiry. These are closely aligned with Fr. Thomas Keating’s Three Emotional Centers of the False Self.
The retreat will also include two periods of Centering Prayer, short times of personal reflection and interpersonal inquiry.
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i am in Mexico now on the pacique coast between Puerto Vallarta and Puerto Escondico .. I am curious to know if there is a retreat on enneagram in MExico ,,, Any contacts ..