Have you been feeling overly-stretched in the past few weeks and months? It is no secret that high levels of change and dissonance in our lives affects the access we have to our capacities.
My work has a lot to do with building inner capacities, and so it came as a surprise to recently remember a message that I received decades ago non-linearly (get this: through a psychic who gave a message to one of my professors at the time who was guided to pass it along to me from my mother!! No one in this thread but me knew my mother. (It’s a longer story, but perhaps you get the gist that I can sometimes be hard to get through to!)
The message? CONTINUE BUILDING YOUR CAPACITIES. I asked, “What?? Could she be more specific? Just what capacities is she referring to?” Well, that was for me to learn. And I’m still growing into it.
Our inner capacities relate to our inner expanse, faculty and potential for experiencing and meeting life, responding as we are called in the present moment. Letting in our experiences (rather than just having them) changes us…. it connects us to our soul. And it expands our capacities. The action of experiencing affects the interior rhythms, tastes and dimensions of our soul that may have been dormant, and it ignites their awakening.
We can put this experiencing into practice now, today, by asking: “What is my capacity for experiencing gratitude? Sense into how you experience gratitude in your heart, in your body. Beyond thoughts, wishes and words, even beyond action, what would you need to let go of or to accept in order to allow for a greater internal experience of gratitude?
May we walk in gratitude together.
With loving and blessings,
To contact Roxanne, please find contact info at RoxanneHoweMurphy.com