Dear Friend on the Journey,
When’s the last time you took an unhurried, reflective walk that offered enough spaciousness to let yourself in, to take in the experience of being alive in the moment? It was on one of those recent walks that a memory came to me. I was with a dear friend and spiritual mentor, Joyah French. It was 1997. Her words then resonated now: “You know, Roxanne, we’re being prepared for the future.” We neither could have know what that meant at the time!
You, too, have been preparing. Though we may be tempted to recoil from current events, our inner centeredness and stability, stillness, open-heartedness, quiet mind– our presence can offer care. kindness and healing amidst the turmoil. Regardless of your role: parent, teacher, school crossing guard, leader, restauranteur, artist, entrepreneur, coach, gardener, advocate, writer, legislator, bus driver….
Let us continue our preparation so that we might respond with our true nature in the moment.
When you feel overwhelm, this quote from “Loaves and Fishes” by the soulful poet, David Whyte may nourish you: “These are not the times for information. These are the times for bread and fish.”
With love and gratitude,
Roxanne Howe-Murphy
I’ve been enjoying the interview process with wonderful podcasters about the importance of connecting with our depths, my perspective on the transformation power of the Enneagram, love and related topics that I hope you’ll find nourishing and informative. I’ll be sharing links to the interviews in my newsletters, and they can also be found on your preferred streaming channels. Check them out!